
Take note…

Smoove, a real challenger

Bikes are more and more popular : For several years now, bike-share services have been installed in a few cities in France.
Quite recently, with Lyon and then Paris, this kind of service had major media coverage, accelerating its legitimacy. These important realisations have opened the way for development in this field.
There has been real impact on the public and the community find their own  interest in terms of service, to clear the traffic and also for their communication.

Important companies with enormous means are managing this market now, due to logistic complexity and investment’s level.

Why then SMOOVE ?

First of all, its founder, Laurent Mercat has a fantastic commitment and an incredible knowledge of everything related to the products and the different sharing systems.
With a considerable personal energy and hands on experience ( Velomagg experience in Montpellier in 2007), has enabled him to mobilise professional complementary teams. It is a group engagement around this project of « enterprise ».
This is surely what we call passion.

Smoove aims to innovate the systems, the partnerships, the shared objectives and especially an appropriate flexibility, offering many different solutions following the contexts : urban collectivities, companies, tourism…
Therefore,  it is to be followed…

Smoove and the Design (Pool):
It is this attitude to develop whatever the difficulties which led us to work with Laurent Mercat while his company idea was emerging.

We have been involved in the research of the company’s name, we have expressed the first design roughs, we have developed and make evolved the products adjusting them regarding the technical possibilities, we have, with the « Smoove group » followed up the whole process whatever the constraints.

velopop, for the city of Avignon, is the first great challenge for the development of Smoove.

That is why we want to underline the first steps of this challenger, a company whose energy allows it to find the ways to develop and overcome problems specific to this activity, an energy based on passion and… innovation.

Smoove’s website


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