

The product at the centre of the project : the product itself, what it does and how it does it, and what it conveys and says.
Jean Marie Floch, semiotician, said “Each product is a hero …” and as such saw a story and adventures of all kinds.

Inventing and building the story is the role of the product designer.

FIRST PRODUCT DESIGN, PRODUCT DESIGN FIRST is a visiting card website, grouping the Design (Pool) and partners who share the same vision of creativity dedicated to products and companies that support them.
Product design is an activity fully involved and embedded in the development strategies of companies.
It is still largely unknown.

Markets are moving, constantly changing with new needs, technologies and pressure from the consumers.

Companies need to wake up, become aware of these changes, aim for more quality, user values, being precise in the development and use of materials and energy.
Less mercantile, more exchange, more credible.

Competitiveness, if we must continue to use this word, is being more intelligent, recognised and understood.

We must invent
We will participate.


Design (Pool) – Vitrac (Pool) – Morgan Design – Emmanuel Cairo – Stimulo – E&C


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13 th Biennale of Architecture in Venise

We must first of all describe where this event took place : the Giardini and the Arsenal with its corderie. Pavilions from many different countries were built in the Giardini in the 1910s-1920s and are now used for the Architecture as well as the Art biennale. As for the Arsenal, it offers huge spaces and a special atmosphere, half derelict half rehabilitated.

Every year, for our greatest joy, the Arsenal gets new plots from the wasteland and unoccupied buildings. And year after year, the Biennales can be considered as a “ritual” which include the premises as well as the exhibits. More »


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